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Selectmen Minutes 12-16-04
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – December 16, 2004 – 5:45 pm

Present: Chairman, William Brooks; Selectman; George Rainier; Selectman, Conrad Dumas
The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:

6:20 – Assessor, Jim Rice – Jim was asked to meet with the Selectmen to explain the purpose/importance of a statistical update.   Mr. Rice discussed why the proposed statistical update was necessary.  It was further explained the town statistics are not meeting the confidence level of the Dept. of Revenue, the reason being, since the re-evaluation in 2002 land values are appreciating at incredible rates.   The town should be between 90-110%, we are currently at 86.6, based on statistical data we currently have in the computer, in 2005 our equalized ratio will be approximately 78%; the Town COD (co efficient diversion) is at approximately 12.7%. Rice stated that if the town does not correct the problem it is likely the   DRA will order one to be done.   Upon completion of a statistical update our equalized rate will be at 100% again, our COD will be back at 6-7%.  It was explained that a statistical update is verification of the sales for 2 years prior.  A sales analysis is completed to determine a base rate; testing with sales completes this.  
It was asked what are the advantages to locking into a five-year program?  Rice explained the reason you would want to lock into a 5-year program is to allow for flat budgetary figures.   If you don’t lock into a cost, there is no guarantee of the prices.   Selectmen can always write in an escape clause, which would allow the flexibility to change assessing firms if not satisfied with Avitar with no penalty.
Mr. Rice further explained the contract – the difference between statistical verification, data verification, general assessing and a full update.
If ordered to perform an update and you ignore the boards recommendation, they will hire a company to perform a re-evaluation the community, and the cost will be deferred to the town.
Selectman Dumas suggested the recommendations from Mr. Rice be accepted.  Selectmen all agreed that after it being explained it makes sense to do the update at this time.
5:45 – Andre Koala  – Mr. Kokal is the new owner of the Cornwell property, he wanted to meet with the Board of Selectmen and discuss an excavation project he is anticipating starting shortly.  Mr. Kokal discussed his meeting with Code Officer, Peter Hopkins; he further stated that they would like to turn the property into their permanent home.  Peter has been helpful regarding guidance, the barn was removed, and they are currently renovating the existing equipment barn for horse stalls.  They would like to remove the large mound on the property where the flagpole sits and to further reclaim it as a hayfield.  They would like to excavate the mound to enlarge the hayfield.  The further stated they met with the Planning Board on Monday, discussed RSA’s etc.; the Planning Board made a recommendation that Mr. Kokal meet with the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. Kokal provided maps showing what the property currently looks like.  Kris Stewart, Francestown Sand and Gravel who anticipates removing approximately 30,000 yards of gravel, approximately 1600, 15-18 yard trucks, will excavate the material.  Greenfield Road Agent stated he is interested in some of the material.  
Mr. Stewart stated the hours they usually start hauling is approximately 7:00 am –5:00 pm and ½ day on Sat. There will be no hauling on Sundays.  Has been told that they didn’t need to have an excavation permit.  An intent will be filed.  
The route they intent to use is from Cornwell Road to Slip, to the center of town, then to Route 31.  Stewart further stated that he understands that roads get closed down in April and he will respect that.
Material – Selectman Rainier asked about what was under the mound?  Test pits show sand – Rainier asked about hazardous material?  Road Agent stated that it should be certified that there is no contamination.  Stewart stated he would be fine with giving it a certification.  Again, Road Agent has expressed an interest in the material; a price for the gravel has not yet been agreed.
Assessor, Jim Rice asked about the current use status and further stated that once excavation takes place, there will need to be a penalty.  Discussion regarding a penalty followed.
Mr. Stewart stated that once the knoll is gone, grades will match perfectly.  
Selectman Dumas asked if anyone has discussed this operation with the Chief of Police – Mr. Stewart stated that not yet, but they are happy to.  School buses go out that way.  Stewart stated his drivers are courteous and respectful to that.
The Selectman asked Road Agent Fox if he has any concern of the roads?  Fox stated, “No, Slip Road is in good shape, and Cornwell Road is one of the roads that has all drainage complete”.  Rainier asked if the excavation could be videoed before the job is started and then have the road reviewed upon completion of the job.  Mr. Stewart agreed to this.
Resident Linda Nickerson suggested signage be placed, due to blind spots and to help avoid a possible collision.
Selectman Rainier asked Planning Board Chair, Bob Marshall asked if the Planning Board had any concerns?  Marshall stated that one concern was the four bus trips.
Road Agent stated that Cornwell Road has a narrow section, that area will be corrected in the spring.
Selectman Dumas stated it sounds good, they need to comply with the hours they originally stated. If there are any concerns brought before the board they will forward them to Mr. Stewart.  Noise might be a concern, but we will wait to see.
Stewart stated he would like to see the project get going this winter, might be complete by end of next year or next summer.  Will remove it as quickly as possible.
Selectmen approved the intent to excavate.
Rainier stated he would like to see all parties involved initial the minutes just to assure everyone is in agreement.  Mr. Stewart stated he has no problem taking care of the road if necessary when the project is complete.
Selectmen discussed the hauling with Chief Giammarino and Road Agent Fox.  Chief Giammarino stated he has no concerns, he is familiar with Francestown Sand & Gravel, they are a very reputable trucking company.  He will be sure to patrol the area a little more when they see trucks moving.
6:45 – RSA 91A:3 II (a) – Personnel -
7:00 – Dept. Heads & Budget Committee –  
·       BudCom Chair, Linda Nickerson requested this meeting be rescheduled.  Discussion followed, the meeting with BudCom, Dept. Heads & Selectmen will be rescheduled for Friday, January 7th between 6:00 – 9:00 pm.  This will remain on the agenda until the meeting date to remind the Board of the meeting.
·       Deb noted that the 2005 Mileage Rate has changed to .40.5 cents/mile
·       Parks & Rec. Director Anfuso asked Selectmen to look at the new fence at Oak Park.
·       Road Agent, Fox discussed budget cuts – possibility of cutting salt & sand.  Discussion followed, no decision was made.
·       Code Officer, Peter Hopkins discussed a situation in town where there is a possible failed septic.  Possible solution was discussed, this will be looked into, options will be reviewed.
Beechwood Construction recently asked about a Certificate of Occupancy for their house on 31 – Hopkins explained he was not able to sign off if no inspections were done, the property has been sold. Hopkins did not issue a CO for the property.
Peter estimates that by Spril 1,  there will be 12 new homes complete, average home probably $250,000 –
Letter was sent to Town Counsel regarding a suggested warrant article – no response to date.

On – going matters:
Recycling Bay – Recycling Bay update –  
·       Insulation – We have not received any of the three quotes for insulation of the addition to the building yet – the bids were requested from JA Jubb, Builders Insulation & Mortite Insulation.

Other Business:
Minutes - Accepted the minutes of December 9, 2004 Selectmen’s Meeting as written.
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R, A/P & Invoices
·       Memo regarding Gen. Gov’t. Bldgs., and transferring funds from this account to Highway: Sand & Salt.  $600.00 of salt was purchased for the town office, which was not budgeted for. This transfer was approved by the Road Agent.
·       Close Office week of Christmas – Both Deb & Catherine have the time.  Discussion followed.  They will alternate the time, in the future this will not happen again.
·       Sununu representative is going to be at the office for questions on Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Mail –  Review misc. incoming mail –
·       Letter from the State of NH – wanting to establish a dialogue regarding the town accepting the recycled material from the State Park – dialog status only at this point.  This needs to be discussed with the recycle supervisor.  Admin. Assist. was instructed to send a note indicating that we will set up a time to discuss this in the future.   We would like to have the supervisor available.
·       Health Alert re: lead poisoning
·       Suggested amendment for town warrant from Peter Hopkins
·       Legal –
o       Interrogatories – Cutter v. Town of Greenfield
o       Motion to continue granted – Williams v. Town of Greenfield
·       Purchase order for Knapheide Weserner Platform Body & Headboard – Fire Dept.
·       2005 Mileage Rate change – 40.5 cents/mile – 10% increases to budgets for mileage.
·       Warrant for Statewide Education Tax 2005 - $362,038
·       Letter from Primex  
·       Letter from NRRA – Plastic Recycling Equipment Grant

Budget/Personnel Policies –
Personnel Policies - Selectmen did not accept a draft they want to review with the Road Agent.  
Budget –  
·       Electrician – Gen. Gov’t. Bldgs. – Alarm system – Monadnock Security agreed to incur a portion of this cost.
·       Keys – Review pricing for keys – budget for ’05
·       Workers Comp & Unemp. Comp. –   Selectmen motioned to transfer workers compensation & unemployment compensation insurances to the Local Government Center, from PRIMEX, effective January 1. 2005.
Public Meeting – Selectmen approved holding a public meeting to allow the town to speak on the waste water system project.  The meeting will be scheduled for Thursday, January 13th, 2005 - 7:00 pm.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting is Wednesday, December 29, 2004 at 9:00 am.